04 June 2011

Saturday Hmmmm

I cannot be fairly accused of being a fan of any politicians, not even Ron Paul or Gary Johnson. But of all the parasites working today, among my very least favorite, right in there behind Barney Frank and Chuck Schumer, is Sarah Palin. I find her personally as well as professionally obnoxious. Nevertheless I find this funny.

Because it's hard to blockquote, I'll summarize: Palin suggested that Paul Revere warned the British not to mess with Americans (and their guns), in addition to warning Americans that the British were coming. The people you would expect to be horrified were horrified by this apparent gaffe. And lo and behold, it seems that Paul Revere in fact did just as she suggested he did.

I'm fairly sure Palin isn't any brighter than everyone thinks, but rather that the stupidity of politicians is difficult for a punditry full of dullards to accurately measure. It's idiocracy all around in America these days.

In fact, the phrase "these days" leads me onto one of my favorite themes... epistemological modesty. I'm fairly sure (especially after digging into A Renegade History of the United States) that there's nothing unique about these days, or about America, and that politicians and pundits have always in fact been dullards. We just didn't have the technology to appreciate it properly. Now we do. What a magnificent time to be alive.

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