23 June 2011

Optimism Thursday

Chart: Libertarianism Is on the Rise

Anarchy in the GOP

I can't help but cut the optimism with a downer note. I'm a little less optimistic than Jon that liberals (or conservatives) fear us because they know we're right. I think most people tend to believe in the rightness of the crap that comes out of their own mouths. I think they hate us because we're weird and ideological and reject much of their way of life, which is the same reason liberals hate Fundies and accountants and conservatives hate Muslims and commies.

Imagine, then, how much they'll love us if we start to win anything.


Michael said...

I think that your right I don't think people hate because they secretly know that the other person is right, but rather hate because the other person is different, and if enough people begin to subscribe to that train of thought it will upset their reality. I tend to disagree with you about people believing in what they say they do. In the world today people are scared into believing things. Old people are told that the new healthcare system is going to kill them, young people are told that they are going to be over their heads in debt because of spending, and middle aged people are told that social security is going to be gone by the time they retire. Then these same people are told that x,y, and z is the answer to all these problems, and Johnny Q Politician is going to deliver them to the promise land. Most people can't hold an intelligent conversation about policy or politics without regurgitating the opinions of their demigods like Bill O'Reilly or Rush Limbaugh. These people buy into the propaganda and misinformation and then it spreads like an ignorant disease that plagues people that trust that their party wouldn't lead them astray. That's why you have people out there that truly believe that the president was born outside the country, people believe that the government funds abortion, and people believe that we are at "war" with Libya. I guess Clinton went to war with Iraq when we bombed them in the 1990's. I guess people don't realize that it is illegal for the government to fund elective abortion. I guess people don't think that a birth certificate and an investigation that every candidate goes through prior to the election process could have detected that the president was a foriegner. People don't believe themselves. People believe what they are told to believe.

Michael said...

I found this gem today I thought it might drive the point home. Fear is what keeps the masses at bay.
